Audit & Reporting
Cloudfire provides an in depth print audit service free of charge. Our software captures all networked & USB printer devices, giving us reports on how many toners, drums and other consumables each device has used over its life. These costs are often overlooked when trying to account for monthly or yearly cost predictions.
Web Audit
While we offer an onsite data collection software ,which resides on your network, we also have the ability to collect meter readings over the internet using WebAudit. This technology allows our clients to click on a web link provided which locates all the meter readings from the printer devices. These readings can then be checked by an administrator and then forwarded on to be billed.
Key Benefits of Cloudfire Print Management Services
- Streamline Printer device efficiency
- Save money
- Reduce Environmental impacts
- Increase security
- Simplify document management
- Flexibility – Customised for each
individual customer
- Simplicity – One point of contact for service and supplies
- Consistency – Fixed costs as opposed to variable – no matter what the coverage
- Reliability – Monthly billing to effectively manage printing costs and budget accordingly
- Easy to Use – Ordering and invoices from one source
- Peace of Mind – Complete visibility of total printing costs